Gender Transformations

Have you ever wanted to be a girl? Do you wonder what it feels like to wear cool, lacy panties, to brush your long, luscious hair and apply lipstick while gazing into the mirror at a living princess? Well, you can see a true princess in action in New York City: I'm starring in a new opera entitled THREE WAY, this June 15-18. 2017.

But maybe it's not enough to see a Goddess like me singing in an opera. You want more.

I can help you explore and express your feminine side—whether that means freeing your inner girl, with pigtails and a cute little dress, or a ball-busting diva in a fabulous dress and feather boa, the living incarnation of glamor and elegance.

Or maybe you prefer being a man. You want to pour yourself into tight jeans or a business suit. You want to feel that reassuring bulge down there. You stand ramrod straight and take no bull. You feel your muscles flexing under your T-shirt as testosterone and adrenaline pound through your veins.

If you are a woman who wants to be a man, I can facilitate that transformation, too. Using the most stylish and effective clothing and prosthetics, I can help you become a young stud lounging on the street corner, or a sailor come home from the war, ready for action of a different sort. 

In just a few sessions with me, you can be the woman or man you've always wanted to be.

How it works:

Fill out the contact form. My Personal Assistant Herodias will receive it.  Say as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. If you feel shy, Herodias will set up a call and forward me your email. She is a dependable slave who has been in the scene for 12 years.

My job is part psychologist, part journalist, part improviser. We will talk at length. You will tell me your history, your deepest desires, your fears and ask me anything you want. This way, we're both equally informed and on the same page. At one of our early meetings, we will also establish your "safe word."

Since I am an avid performer and lover of opera, I maintain a growing collection of costumes, wigs, props and even scripts. I'm also very handy with makeup. I keep a large collection of panties, lingeries and garters, and an impressive range of male attire and accessories. Please let me know your size in advance: We don't want you in anything too tight or short, do we?